Help Support Our Work!
Albuquerque Al-Anon Information Service has fixed on-going operating expenses that include rent, insurance, phone and Internet service, website hosting, after-hours answering service, and a part-time Office Manager. We are entirely self-supporting through literature sales and voluntary member donations. AIS is a New Mexico-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your monetary donations are tax-deductible.
Donations FormWe rely on and greatly appreciate monetary donations from Al-Anon groups and individual Al-Anon members who want support our efforts to carry the message of Al-Anon recovery.
Click below for a Donations Form PDF you can print out and mail or personally deliver to our office. How to DonateClick on the Donate / Pay Here tab above or on the button below to make a donation now.
Volunteers Welcome!Office Service Positions
Albuquerque AIS/LDC is always seeking Office Volunteers to respond to 12th Step Calls, give out meeting information and sell Literature to individuals and members who visit our office. Shifts are flexible and clear orientation and on-going support is provided. Our office is located in a quiet, secure building and equipped with Wi-Fi. No previous service experience is needed. On-Call 12th Step Responders The Albuquerque AIS phone number is answered 24 hours a day. Whenever the office is closed our answering service takes calls and messages. Occasionally, a caller has a need to speak to an Al-Anon member urgently. On-Call 12th Step Responders can sign up, at their discretion, to be available to take urgent calls. This can be an especially meaningful way to be able to carry the message to a newcomer or a member in need. Art at AIS AIS welcomes original artwork created by Al-Anon and Alateen Members to display on our Art Wall at the AIS office for a period of about two months at a time. All types of artwork are encouraged: 2-D, 3-D, ceramics, metalwork, jewelry and/or textile. The Art Wall makes the office more inviting and uplifting to all who visit. Please consider lending us your original artwork and/or arranging the artwork display. Outreach Coordinator Throughout the year, AIS. learns of various outreach opportunities. Currently, our biggest annual outreach event is the KOB Health Fair in January. Other events include health fairs, requests from pueblos and schools, AA Events with Al-Anon Participation and/or Treatment Centers. They give us an opportunity to carry the Al-Anon message to those who may need it. The Outreach Coordinator completes registration paperwork, recruits volunteers, select materials to distribute, and helps with logistics of the event. Support is provided by the AIS Office and the AIS Board. This position is currently filled. Outreach Volunteers We have an on-going need for Outreach Volunteers to staff literature tables and/or booths at outreach events. These volunteers distribute Al-Anon literature and provide information about the Al-Anon Program to interested individuals and/or professionals. Speakers Bureau Coordinator AIS receives occasional requests for an Al-Anon Speaker from a treatment center, a school or another 12 step-program. The Coordinator seeks to provide a speaker for the event and coordinates any related logistics. This position is currently filled. Al-Anon Speakers We have an on-going need for volunteers to carry the message of Al-Anon recovery to organizations that request a personal representative of the Program. The Speakers Bureau Coordinator would help you prepare for a specific assignment. Schedules Coordinator AIS distributes a two-page schedule of Al-Anon and Alateen meetings in the Greater Albuquerque Area. The Schedules Coordinator edits the schedule monthly with any changes and/or updates, e-mails an electronic version to AIS, makes a limited number of photocopied schedules and delivers them to AIS office for distribution. This position is currently filled. Communications Volunteer Writes and edits the weekly AIS e-mails, the bi-monthly newsletter, and other communication pieces as requested by the Board. This position is currently filled. Off-Site Literature Sales Volunteer/Coordinator Occasionally, AIS receives requests to provide Conference Approved Literature sales at off-site events such as Assemblies, Conventions, Workshops and/or A.A. Events with Al-Anon Participation. A volunteer is needed to transport literature, staff the sales table and potentially arrange for additional volunteers as needed. Depending upon the scale of the event, a Chair for Literature Sales at the particular event is helpful. Support is provided by the AIS Office. AIS Board Members The AIS Office is supervised by a part-time paid Office Manager. However, a five-member Board of Directors makes policy decisions and oversees the operations at AIS. The Board consists of a Chair, Assistant Chair, Secretary and two Members at Large. The Board meets quarterly and facilitates the Annual Meeting in January. Occasionally, additional meetings are determined necessary. The Board also communicates regularly via e-mail. The term of service is three years. Typically, two new members join the Board each year following their election at the Annual Meeting. If you are interested in any of these Al-Anon service opportunities, please e-mail or phone 505-262-2177. |
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